Application Component: MM-PUR
Object: wf_po_rel (Workflow for release of purchase order)
Workflow Template: 20000075
Workflow Task Id: WS20000075
SPRO > MM > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Release Procedure for Purchase Orders > Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders
OOCU > MM > MM-PUR > Activate event linking > WS 20000075
OOCU > MM > MM-PUR > Assign Agents > WS 20000075
SWDD - Workflow Builder
PFTC - template, task management (WS, TS)
SAP Workflow Transactions | SAP Blogs
4 31 174,042 After a number of implemented SAP Workflow projects, I build my own list of common SAP Workflow transactions (aka «tcodes»). Now it’s a time to share the assets, feel free to print and use. Workflow Troubleshooting Workflow Development ABA
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