'2023/12'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2023.12.22 [QM] Inspection lot status 1
  2. 2023.12.18 [MM] Purchase Order Release Work Flow

[QM] Inspection lot status

SAP 2023. 12. 22. 15:26
Status Meaning
CRTD Created
REL Released
ICNC Inspection completion w/o confirmation
PREQ Plan/specification required
PASG Plan/specification assigned
CHCR Characteristics must be created
LTIN Long-term inspection
CCTD Inspection characteristics created
CALC Sample calculated
SKIP Skip lot
PRSI Sample drawing instruction printed
PRII Inspection instruction printed
INSP Inspection active
RREC Results confirmed
LKD Inspection lot locked
DEF Defects were recorded
ICST Short-term inspection completed
ICCO Inspection close completed
UD Usage decision made
SPRQ Stock posting required
SPST Stock posting started
SPCO Stock posting completed
STUP Statistics updated
QLCH Quality level changed
QLUP Quality level updated
IRCH Quality info-record changed
IRUP Quality info-record updated
MCAN Lot marked for cancellation
LTCA Lot cancelled
BREQ Batch assignment required
BASG Batch assigned
CTCM Certificate confirmation missing
CROK Certificate receipt confirmed
BRRQ Batch record required
MSUB Marked for subsystem
SUB Lot transmitted to subsystem
CLQM Classification transferred (short-term inspection characteristics)
CLAS Transfer completed to classification (short-term and long-term charac.)
APG Approval granted
APGS Single approval granted
APNG Approval not granted
APIP Approved inspection plan assigned
LOLK Lot locked for batch record
RO Repairs processing
ARBL Lot blocked for archiving
ARCH Lot archived
RE03 Lot detail data deleted
RE02 Lot sample data deleted
RE01 Characteristics and operations deleted




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Posted by 하이안

Application Component: MM-PUR

Object: wf_po_rel (Workflow for release of purchase order)

Workflow Template: 20000075

Workflow Task Id: WS20000075


SPRO > MM > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Release Procedure for Purchase Orders > Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders


OOCU > MM > MM-PUR > Activate event linking > WS 20000075

OOCU > MM > MM-PUR > Assign Agents > WS 20000075


SWDD - Workflow Builder

PFTC - template, task management (WS, TS)





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4 31 174,042 After a number of implemented SAP Workflow projects, I build my own list of common SAP Workflow transactions (aka «tcodes»). Now it’s a time to share the assets, feel free to print and use. Workflow Troubleshooting Workflow Development ABA




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Posted by 하이안